Monthly. Setting a reminder on your calendar or phone or pairing it up with a monthly activity like receiving you electric or gas bill is a great reminder. Make sure to turn the unit off before opening the service panel and removing the filter. If you have a reusable filter, you can rinse it in the sink or with the garden hose. The filter should be completely dry before reinstalling it and turning on the unit.
Setting your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature in the summer and lowest comfortable temperature in the winter for you is the best way to save on your electric bill. The normal ranges for cooling and heating are 75-80 degrees and 68-72 degrees respectively.
Here are some of the many ways you can lower those bills:
Contrary to popular belief, closing vents in unused rooms in your home is actually not a good idea – it makes your system work harder. Modern systems are designed and placed based on the size of your house, so closing a vent can cause an imbalance and make your unit work harder.